Public Philosophy & Professional Service
Parr Center for Ethics
As the Graduate Assistant for two years, I valued doing public philosophy and outreach as an opportunity to learn about how moral and political philosophy matters beyond the university. I won a Maynard Adams Public Humanities Fellowship to support my public philosophy work. Here's a commentary I gave at a public humanities symposium on Miranda Fricker's work.
Here's an op-ed I recently co-wrote about a public humanities project on Seneca's Medea. I'm currently working on a video about moral anger, in partnership with TED-Ed, drawing on my research.
I was a philosophy reader with children at Durham Academy and I co-facilitated, with Michael Vazquez, an intergenerational online ancient philosophy reading group via the Orange County Dept. on Aging.
I ran the Parr Center Graduate Fellows program for a year, bringing together an interdisciplinary cohort of graduate students interested in ethics from departments across UNC. I was also involved in mentorship for the Parr Undergraduate Fellowship: here's a talk I gave on How to be an Ethical Ethicist.
Philosophy, Politics, & Economics
I volunteered with the organizing committee for the 5th, 6th, and 7th PPE Society meetings. I hosted two reading groups, two salons, and invited two speakers. I'm an annual participant in the UNC PPE research workshop. I served on a tenure-track hiring search committee.
National High School Ethics Bowl
As the Graduate Assistant for the NHSEB, I worked with Alex Richardson. I designed and led outreach initiatives for NHSEBBridge, focused on increasing access for underserved high schoolers in the rural South and around the country, which I see as an investment in both a robust philosophy "pipeline" and in healthy civic discourse.
I contributed to and edited 4 pedagogical case sets of ethical scenarios, and developed judge training materials. I contributed to building up an excellent working board for the organization and to designing the new Divisional Playoffs structure. I helped organize 6 large-scale competition events, serving hundreds of students from around the US. I recruited, trained, and managed over 100 volunteers.
And I served over the past four years as a volunteer judge. I grew up on Friday night football in the Deep South, but, honestly, watching teenagers do moral philosophy is at least as fun.
Here's an article about our work and a radio interview.
Philosophy Department
I served on the speakers committee and hiring committee, as a peer mentor, as the philosophy grad student president, as a panelist at Teacher Training Workshops, and as a mentor for a MAP-COMPASS workshop.